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That's the problem. If you don't declare your record you can be terminated when/if the employer finds out. If you DO declare your record, you probably won't get the job. That's motivation for most people to stay away from crime.

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Q: How long does a misdemeanor larceny charge stay on your record and will people see it when you apply for a job?
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How long does a misdemeanor larceny charge stay on your record in North Carolina?

If you were found guilty, it stays on your record forever.

How much time do people do for Larceny?

Unable to answer - insufficient information. It depends on whether it is Petit Larceny (a Misdemeanor) or Grand Larceny (a Felony) - the past record of the perpetrator - and what penalty your particular state statute attaches to it.

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i have a possesion of marijuana charge from 2004

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How long does a misdemeanor harassment charge stay on your permanent record in the state of MS?

Misdemeanor offenses occurring after your 18th birthday will become a part of your permanent criminal history record.

Could it be possible that a misdemeanor charge did not get put on a criminal record?

it depends, on which state you live in.

How long does a misdemeanor charge stay on your record in Virginia?

A misdemeanor offense - if you received it after you became an adult (over 18)- will always appear on your record. Criminal offenses do not expire or "go away."

Will you be able to find a job with two misdemeanor larceny charges on your record?

This is not a question that can be answered by this site. Whether you are hired or not, is entirely up to any prosepective employer you apply to.

If a shoplifting charge is dismissed will the misdemeanor appear on your record?

The fact that you were arrested, the charge, AND the fact that it was dsimissed WILL appear (unless expunged).

How long does a misdemeanor charge stay on record in massachusett?

A crime stays on your record for life. You could apply to the court to have it expunged.