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An early miscarriage is usually similar to a very heavy-crampy period that may last a little longer than a week but if there are any clots those are usually passed in the first two days. If you're having a heavy flow that doesn't lighten after 2 or 3 days or if you are passing clots after the third day you should inform your doctor or midwife. You may have been further along than you thought or you may need a D&C - if there is still tissue visible in your uterus.

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Q: How long does a misscarrage bleeding last?
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No you can not.

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go to your doctor, some women can get there period while pregnant, but it can also be signs of misscarrage

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Either you got your period back or you were pregnant and miscarried. Never wait this long to find out why you are not bleeding.

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About a couple of weeks

How long does implantation menstruation last?

Its not a menstrual its just bleeding or no bleeding and it take 2 to 3 days for completion...if its longer the egg did not attach..and you will have a early period

My HCG is 903 I am 6 weeks pregnant After reveiwing my ultesound the sak was very small I am also having ovalating like pains Am I having a misscarrage?

if the ultrasound confirmed the baby was in the uterus and not in the fallopian tube then relax. the first sign of miscarriage is bleeding so everything is okay if you aren't bleeding joymaker rn