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if the ultrasound confirmed the baby was in the uterus and not in the fallopian tube then relax. the first sign of miscarriage is bleeding so everything is okay if you aren't bleeding joymaker rn

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Q: My HCG is 903 I am 6 weeks pregnant After reveiwing my ultesound the sak was very small I am also having ovalating like pains Am I having a misscarrage?
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Related questions

Can you get pregnant just after five days of a misscarrage?

No you can not.

When you have a misscarrage and become pregnant before you have your first period how do you figure out a due date?

Ask your doctor or midwife

Is there a vhance you can bleed while pregnant but not have a misscarrage?

Yes you can have spotting while pregnant. However if there is a lot, or there is pain and it last more than a day or so... You need to be seen by a doctor.

Can alcohol lead to a misscarrage?

If you drink a lot or for a longer period of time it can be. Many women worry about getting drunk before they knew they were pregnant and that is usually not a problem.

Why couln't i become pregnant last month i had unprotected sex?

Most women get pregnant mid-way between their periods. You might have had sex when you weren't ovalating. Or, there might be something medical that prevented the pregnancy. Sometimes, we don't get pregnant when we want to and it takes a few months for it to happen.

You just stopped taking birth control took pregnancy test it was positive now bleeding like a normal period?

go to your doctor, some women can get there period while pregnant, but it can also be signs of misscarrage

7 weeks pregnant and have discharge period pains and heartburn is this normal or am i at risk of a misscarrage?

This could be a completely normal part of pregnancy. If you are concerned you should speak to your doctor for reassurance. If you are at risk of miscarriage you are likely to have really bad pain, and/or have bleeding.

Is getting preganat easy?

it is just like cleaning up your house Step 1: find u a mate Step 2:have sex/ or have a tub of sperm go into the vagina area Step 3: go for about 1 or longer then wait for a week and take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant

What are the true signs of a misscarrage in around 4-12 weeks of pregnancy I passed a blood clot almost the size of the palm of my hand and think that I misscarried. can anyone varify this at all?

I just had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. I did not feel different then being pregnant, but I started spotting on Wednesday and by Thursday morning I was bleeding like my period. Doctor says it was a chemical pregnancy, which is just a term for a miscarriage before 7 weeks.

Can a pregnant girls get pregnant while she is pregnant?

No. She is all ready pregnant.

What does semi pregnant mean?

Nothing. You are either pregnant or you are not pregnant - you can not be semi pregnant.

Can you get a woman pregnant if she pregnant?

No. Once pregnant, a woman can't get pregnant-er.