

How long does a person sleep?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Sleep TimeRecommended sleep time is eight hours a night, but some sleep more and some less.
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Q: How long does a person sleep?
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How long can a person stay without sleep?

10 days.

How long does one sleep with Chloroform?

It depends on the person. It is an anesthetic.

How long do humans sleep?

It varies from person to person and with lifestyle. Humans should get a little over 8 hours of sleep, but many don't.average normal is: about 8 to 9hrs..

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Around about 7 minuets :)

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Sleep aids can stay in a person's system for up to 72 hours. This explains why some sleep aids can cause grogginess even after a person has gotten a full night's sleep.

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Sleep deprivation can cause irritability, confusion, tiredness. In cases where a person has gone for too long without sleep, sudden unconsciousness can occur.

How long will a person sleep after no sleep for 72 hours?

It all depends on the person. Some people still may not sleep. Basically, the answer to your question, is it varies. You could sleep for 3 hours, 7 hours, or even 12-20 hours. It depends on the person. If you are like most teens, If you are a teen, Then you can sleep for about 14 hours and feel recovered for the most part. If you are like me, You can sleep for 9 hours and feel perfect :D

How long can a depressed person sleep?

Anywhere from days at a time to none at all depending on the depression.

How long does it take to go to sleep?

Depends on the person Could take from 5-30 minutes

How long should a regular person sleep per night?

Generally 8 hours of sleep for an adult. 9-10 for a teenager and 10-12 for a child.

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How does dream sleep differ from dreamless sleep?

Dream sleep generally is considered as a good sleep. Dreamless sleep occurs when the person is very much tired. That sleep affects the person in a negative manner.