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Confusion is not a standard side-effect of having a liver transplant, if it is functioning properly. However it may be a side-effect of some post-transplant medication, especially strong painkillers used during the first few days post-op. It can also just be the result of being in a hospital situation; stress combined with little natural daylight, sleep deprivation and continual beeping of various machines can result in an temporarily altered mental state (sometimes referred to as "ITU psychosis").

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Q: How long does confusion last after a liver transplant?
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There is no way to say for sure, and his doctor has the best idea how long he will live.

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The liver is a vital part of the human organ system. If the liver shuts down, life would not be possible for very long. A liver transplant may be the only option. A doctor will be able to diagnose and plan an action for this.

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Liver can regenerate.Liver can be transplanted from a cadaver or from a living liver donor.In living liver donor it may take around 4-6 weeks to regenerate in case of no complication.

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He will go on a waiting list for a cadaver donor liver. He will get the transplant and live for his expected life-span. If no cadaver liver donor is available, they will treat him symptomatically and try to find a living donor among relatives who are compatible. If none is found, his long-term prognosis is not good. Half a liver from a living donor will regenerate and both the donor and the recipient will have an entire liver after a few months.

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How long does it take Cirrhosis to kill you?

A person with cirrhosis of the liver can live for many years until they receive a transplant. The chances of survival prior to a transplant depend on the person's ability to get treatment. If a person with cirrhosis does not get a transplant, they will die.

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Cirrhosis is a scarred liver, normally caused by alcoholism, long-time liver disease. Since the liver is a very important organ, when it fails, you don't have much longer to live unless you get a transplant.

Can someone be alcohol dependent and have no liver damage?

Early on, but it won't last long.

How long is the wait for a liver transplant usually?

Bone Marrow transplants has greatly improved in the last couple decades. The rate of survival has also increased. Long ago if someone has cancer, they were dosed with radiation, but there were was the potentail relapse of their cancer or their infection and died.

What is the life expectancy of someone with liver cancer that has mestatis?

Basically no one knows how long a person can live with liver cancer. If something is not done, and fast, the answer is not long. One woman lived 2 months after diagnosis. Good luck on getting a living donor for a liver transplant. It takes the donor's liver 6 weeks for the missing half to grow back. Do you have any friends or relatives with the same blood type?

How long do you have to wear a mask after transplant?

You don't normally have to wear a mask after transplant.