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There is no way to say for sure, and his doctor has the best idea how long he will live.

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Q: Your friend is suffering from acute liver shutdown and now his kidneys are failing Can he live long enough to hope for a liver transplant?
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What happens when you have kidney failiure?

if your kidneys fail completely, then you can go on a transplant list and get a kidney transplant if your kidneys are failing the doctors will put you on dialysis ... trying to keep your blood clean... eventually your kidneys will fail and then you will get a transplant

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What medical options are there if both kidneys are failing?

There are only 2: 1) Dialysis - either hemodialysis or pertitoneal. 2) Kidney Transplant

Who usually undergo kidney transplant?

people with bad kidneys

Do kidneys shrink with age and why?

Your kidneys can shrink with age but only because you have chronic issues. When your kidneys start failing, they will shrink.

What are the bean-shaped organs that filter blood?

The Kidneys filter/clean blood. Healthy people have 2 kidneys and if one is damaged the other is able to function alone. Healthy people can donate a kidney to another person if they both have compatible blood types. If a person has 2 failing kidneys they can be treated with a treatment called Dialysis and their blood can be filtered by a machine while they wait for a transplant.

Which part of body cleans blood?

The part of the body that cleans blood is the kidney.

Can you get a kidney transplant with rotten teeth?

I don't see why not, your teeth have nothing to do with your kidneys.

What is dialysis solution?

Dialysis is a medication used to play the role of the body's kidneys, this may be used if someone's kidneys are failing.

How are kidneys allocated for transplant?

Kidney allocation is based on a mathematical formula that awards points for factors that can affect a successful transplant, such as time spent on the transplant list, the patient's health status, and age.

What happens to native kidneys after transplant will they hurt?

The native kidneys stay in place after a kidney transplant, but they will atrophy. They will not hurt. They need to stay in place because the adrenal glands rest on top of them and you won't live without the adrenals. I have had a transplanted kidney for 17 years and have had no issues with the natives.

How can a person with failed kidneys be saved?

whoever has a good kidney they can donate theirs Dialysis or kidney transplant. For a transplant, a willing donor with the same blood type has to be found. This could take years.