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As long as it takes you to sing Happy Birthday! Try it!

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Q: How long does food department require you to wash hands?
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What if you touched molds food molds?

well that is ok as long if you wash your hands, but don't touch it if it can make you sick .

How long should you wash hands before cooking?

Hand washing is the best way to prevent germs from spreading. Think of how many things you do with your hands ... it's a lot! While cooking food will remove many germs you are touching the food after it has been cooked. If you have not washed your hands before preparing a meal, germs can be transfered to your cutting board, knives, counter, plates and food. By handwashing before cooking, it prevents germs from hands being transfered to mouths and into your body.

Where should I look for death certificates?

If you require a death certificate for your grandmother that passed in 2001, you can get a copy from a department of your local government. Usually the vital statistics department can issue a copy for you as long as you can provide valid personal information in regards to accessing it.

Why do people eat anything the edible that they can get their hands on?

People do not really eat anything they can get their hands on, but they will eat most anything as long as it tastes good. Survival instinct. People who need to survive, have no money for food, will eat anything edible, that they can get their hands on.

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They find their food by smelling and touching

When was Long Beach Fire Department created?

Long Beach Fire Department was created in 1910.

What can you eat if the power is out?

There are many types of food that do not require cooking. And even the food that does require cooking can be cooked without electricity, if you are able to build a fire (but not in your living room!). Human beings existed, and fed themselves, for a very long time before electricity was invented, you know.

How does the failure rate of franchises compare to that of other businesses?

In my opinion it does not really compare. You will always see fast food businesses compared to others such as department stores and what not. Fast food will be here as long as we let it.

Can monkeys flop there hands yes because they have long hands?


What key do you press to eat in minecraft?

You hold the right mouse button while holding food.

Which of these hazards might result in food contamination and spoilage?

Leaving fresh produce, meat, poultry, etc. at room temperature for too long can cause Salmonella, or food poisoning. Also, handling food too much with bare hands can cause food contamination. Getting germs (like biting a piece of food, then leaving it in a fridge for too long) on food, and leaving it for a long period of time can leave bacteria on the food and cause mold. And lastly, to avoid any food poisoning, when handling raw meat, create a designated cutting board for it, and a separate cutting board for fresh produce to lessen the chance of salmonella. And be sure to wash your hands with soap right after handling raw meat.

Is fungi the greatest threat to food safety?

Not exactly, the are lots of threats to food safety. For example using the washroom and not washing your hands then making food. Leaving food that needs to be refrigerated out for more than two hours. ( which if you do can cause you to get a food borne illness) Not having a good habit of washing your hands before you eat. Using the cutting board you used for your meat/chicken to cut your vegetables. Leaving leftovers in the fridge for too long. Fungi is a threat to food safety but it isn't the greatest threat. The greatest threat to food safety is not having proper hygiene. You should always wash your hands before preparing food, never use the same cutting board for meat to cut the vegetables, eating food that isn't good to eat anymore, and leaving food in room temp for too long.