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16.7 earth days

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Q: How long does it take Callisto to orbit Jupiter?
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How long does it take for callisto to orbit the sun?

Since Callisto is a moon of Jupiter, it orbits the Sun together with Jupiter - and takes just as long as Jupiter to orbit the Sun.

How long does callisto take to orbit Jupiter?

16.7 earth days

How long does it take Callisto one of Jupiters moons to orbit the sun?

It takes 11.86 Earth years for Jupiter to orbit the sun.

Callisto has a smaller mass than Ganymede so why does it take a longer time to orbit Jupiter?

Scientists don't know that yet, but there's no rule that says smaller mass must have shorter orbit. Look at the planets: the biggest is Jupiter and the outer planets have longer orbits.

Why does Callisto take the longest to revolve around Jupiter?

It takes the longest because it is the furthest away from Jupiter.

In Earth years how long does it take Jupiter to orbit the Sun?

12 years.

How long does it take Europa to orbit Jupiter?

Just over 3.5 days.

How long does it take for Europa to orbit Jupiter?

Just over 3.5 days.

How long does it take for jupiter to orbit arond the sun?

11.9 earth days

How long does it take Jupiter to revolve around the sun in days?

Jupiter's orbit takes 4331.6 days approx.

How much time does it take for Jupiter to orbit earth?

Jupiter does not orbit the earth. It takes 11.86 years for Jupiter to orbit the sun.

How long does it take to get from Jupiter to callisto?

Not enough information. Such "how long does it take" questions depend on the speed. You need to know that speed, or assume some speed, then divide the distance by the speed.