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it depends if the nail is put in some place moist surrounded by liquid or just in a dry place

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Q: How long does it take an iron nail to rust?
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How long does it takes an iron nail to rust when exposed to moist air?

It depends on the quality of the nail. If it is painted it Amy take long to rust. In general it may take a month or so for the nail to rust.

How long does it take to rust a nail in soda?

a week it take or two

How long will it take to rust a nail in bleach?

about 14 days

How long does it take for pepsi to rust a nail?

yes.... anythin will rust a nail!

How long does it take for Coca-Cola to remove rust from a nail?

Takes 4 - 5days

Why does not an iron nail rust in calcium chloride?

CaCl is extremely hygroscopic (water-attracting), so it will take up any moisture and keep the iron nail dry. Two conditions for rusting are oxygen and water.

Does iron rust in water?

The oxygen dissolved in the water combines with the iron to form iron oxide, or rust (Fe2O3H2O).

How long does it take for an iron filling to rust?

depends on the amount of oxygen and water supplied . If left in normal condition it may take 5 days to rust

What do you do to a magnet to get it to take iron from nonmetals?

A iron nail

Why does it take a long time for a nail to rust?

It depends on the conditions. Salt, acidity, temperature and humidity can all effect the rate at which it will rust. The material that the nail is made out of and any other nearby metals will also effect the rate at which it corrodes. In extreme conditions it may take as little as a few days for the rust to become apparent.

What causes vinegar to rust a nail?

vinegar contains acetic acid which releases hydrogen ions, so vinegar is acidic meanign it contains hydrogen ions. These acids make metals corrode (break down) the water in vinegar and oxygen in the air makes the metals with iron in them (since iron is the only metal that oxidizes, or rusts) form iron oxide which is the scientific name for rust.

What is rust and how long does it take to form?

Rust is oxidized iron (aka Ferric Oxide, or FeO2), or iron that has been exposed sufficiently to oxygen. It can take anywhere from hours to form in a damp or wet environment, to years in a dry one.