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My horse recently had this procedure done at the Cornell University Equine Hospital. She is a 10 yr old AQHA Mare. At this writing it has been about 9 days following surgery. I can share what I was told about her after care and recovery. Stall rest for 14 days, then she can go out to pasture. I plan to keep her separate from the rest of the herd for about 1-2 days and let her relax after confinement. If she appears sound after 3 months we can begin rides building up to a normal level of work over the 2 months following. I was warned that some horses take longer than others so improvement may take as long as 4-6 months. Prognosis is fair to good. Sometimes that sounds pretty good when there are no options left. Please avoid the ethyl alcohol injections. The DVM informed me that eventually the alcohol can seep to the upper hock and the failure rate was quoted as 20% which is rather high. Unfortunately the alcohol will destroy the cartledge and the horse is useless.

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