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Well, this would depend on several factors:

  1. Location- warmer region would dry up faster. Shelter/surrounding vegetation would also affect the evaporation rate
  2. Volume- the deeper the pond the less likely it will dry up- the greater the surface area the more likely it will. A shallow puddle and a narrow tube filled with the same volume of water would not dry up at the same rate- the puddle would first
  3. Time of year- summer is when the pond will most likely dry up. Temporary ponds dry up in the summer and fill up again in the autumn/winter.

Taking the above into account, I would say an average temporary pond (most ponds don't dry up completely anyway) would take a few weeks, at its peak rate, to dry up. However, whenever there is hot weather the pond water will begin to evaporate, but this evaporation is not consistent- but rather the rate increases the closer you get to the middle of summer.

Hope this helps! :)

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Q: How long does it take for a pond to dry up?
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