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Q: How long does it take for a puppy to start eating after being born?
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What is the first phase of a puppy's lifecycle?

The first stage of a puppy's life cycle is being born.

When can puppy drink water?

A puppy should be introduced to water as you start to wean it onto solid foods.

When do pug puppy noses start to go in?

Pug puppies are born with flat faces

How long do you need wait for a puppy drink milk of her mom?

You can give a puppy puppy milk as soon at its born, although it's better it give your pup mommys' milk the first week of brith it is ok to give your pup pups' milk.

Is eating an example of a learned behavior?

No, eating in not a learned behvior. You are born naturally knowing how to swallow though you start of eating soft foods because of your delicate gums.

When your cats star eatting after born?

They start eating about 2 or 3 weeks old.

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by being born

When does the dalmatian puppy born?

it does born on your birthday

Your dog has just had puppies what do you do know?

my dog has just given birth to her first puppy,when will she start feeding it? will it be straight away or when all the pups are born?

On the sims 2 after you try for a puppy how long will it take for the puppy to be born?

It takes a couple days on the PC version. I'm not sure about the others. P.S The pregnant dog doesn't show any signs of being pregnant.

How is diversity of life relate to evolution?

they both show the cycle of life from start to finsh start being born and finish being death.

My dog is in labor and had one puppy how long does it take for another puppy to come out?

my dog had a puppy and hasn't had a second one yet so how long does it take for A SECOND PUPPY TO BE BORN