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On Earth, it takes us 365 1/4 days to make one revolution on Earth.

It takes 88 days for Mercury to revolve around the sun.

It takes 225 days on Venus to make a full revolution around the sun.

It takes Mars 1.9 years to make one revolution around the sun.

Jupiter takes 11.9 years to make one revoultion around the sun.

Saturn takes 29.5 years to make one revolution around the sun.

It takes Uranus 84 years to make one full trip around the sun.

It takes Neptune 165 years to do the same thing.

I am includeing Pluto too for those Pluto haters out there.

It take Pluto 249 years to make one complete revolution around the sun.

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Q: How long does it take for it to revolve around the sun?
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