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Q: How long does it take for lupus anticoagulant results to come?
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What are the long-term effects of lupus?

Long term effects of lupus are entirely dependent upon the severity of the disease, how long the disease has been present, and the organs and tissues affected. Some lupus patients live full productive lives with normal life spans even though they have lupus. Other lupus patients live only days and die.

How long does it take for a mice to die after eating an anticoagulant?

Maximum 10 minutes

How long can someone with lupus live for?

There is no such thing as crest lupus. Crest disease is a different disease alltogether. It is however an autoimmune disease just like lupus.

How long can you have lupus before symptoms come on?

Symptoms of lupus can be so subtle that a person would not suspect the disease. For example, lupus patients are likely to catch colds more frequently and have a much harder time getting well. Lupus patients often experience fatigue, but may simply think they did too much. Since there is no definitive test for lupus, it is hard to say when onset occurs. Additionally, lupus is a remitting/flaring disease meaning it has periods of relative calm and periods of activity The majority of cases are mild to moderate, although lupus can be life threatening. In a mild case of lupus, the patient might not even be bothered enough by the symptoms to bring them to the attention of a doctor.

How long it takes for the CRCT test results to come back?

befor school over

How long after an accident and hospitalization do the police have to serve you with charges of DUI in Florida?

Until the results of the toxicology lab results or breathalyzer come back.

If you get lupus by sexual transmission?

Lupus is not contagious. You cannot catch lupus through sexual activity, kissing, using the same glass or utensils or in any other way. You cannot catch lupus PERIOD. Lupus occurs when a person who is genetically predisposed to the disease encounters triggers, either traumatically or over a long period of time.

How long does it take for Systemic lupus erythematosus to kill you?

Ten Years?

How long does it take for lupus to kill you?

well that depends mostly 2 or 3 weeks though

What complications can occur with systemic lupus?

most systemic lupus patients eventually die from infections or from heart disease complicated by long-term use of corticosteroids

How long does it take for icas exams results to come out?

On average, the ICAS test results will come out online on the UNSW website in 4-5 weeks, but during the December Christmas season, the results may take longer, ranging between 6-8 weeks.

how long does it take for paternity results to come back.?

It depends on the company can be a few days to a few weeks.