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well that depends mostly 2 or 3 weeks though

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2y ago

Depends on what damage the Lupus is causing and whether or not the damage is treatable

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Q: How long does it take for lupus to kill you?
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How long does it take for Systemic lupus erythematosus to kill you?

Ten Years?

Can a lupus patient take salagen?

Salagen is used to treat Sjogren's syndrome which can occur in overlap with lupus. The answer is "yes" as long as all doctors treating the patient are informed.

Does lupus kill you?

Yes lupus can kill, directly and indirectly. 40% of lupus patients develop lupus nephritis or kidney disease. Some respond to treatment, others don't. People with systemic lupus have twice the risk of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. This can cause heart attacks and strokes. Some people with lupus have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome which causes abnormal clotting of the blood also leading to cardiovascular events. If lupus attacks the liver you also die. I personally know two people who died of lupus nephritis and two who died of cardiovascular events in 2008 alone. In my case I had pericarditis, pleurisy, pleural effusion, bone marrow failure and kidney failure and am very luck to be alive. Most cases of lupus are mild to moderate, but it can kill.

If i have 60000 zombies how long will 2000 troops take to kill them?

It really depends on how long it will take to kill each one.

What are the long-term effects of lupus?

Long term effects of lupus are entirely dependent upon the severity of the disease, how long the disease has been present, and the organs and tissues affected. Some lupus patients live full productive lives with normal life spans even though they have lupus. Other lupus patients live only days and die.

Is it safe to take meloxicam if you have lupus?

I'm prescribed Meloxicam for my lupus so i hope so :)

How long can someone with lupus live for?

There is no such thing as crest lupus. Crest disease is a different disease alltogether. It is however an autoimmune disease just like lupus.

Is it possible for blood type to change if a person has lupus and forgets to take their medication?

Neither lupus nor lupus medication can change a person's blood type.

How long does it take for cholera to kill you?

It can take as little as a few hours.

If you are allergic to quinine can you take hydroxychloroquine for lupus?

can you take hydroxychloroquine and antihistamine

How long does it take for amibas to kill you?

I got the amiba but it did not kill me so I don't know.

Lupus and tuburculosis?

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder. Tuberculosis is an infection. People with lupus often take immunosuppressive medications that may make them more vulnerable to tuberculosis, but the two are not related.