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Depends on what kind of paint, -you didn't say.

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It takes about 10 years

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3y ago

10 days but it could take longer. maybe 1 day

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Q: How long does it take for painted styrofoam to dry?
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No it is an insulator, since it does not conduct current (as long as it is dry). It would not be my first choice as an insulator since it is flammable, and generates toxic gasses when it is burned.

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Can you fill the bottom of a boat with styrofoam?

Of course you can, because Styrofoam can float on top of water for a long time. A lot of newer boats have Styrofoam in the bottom for added buoyancy if you do add it to your boat, be sure that there is no moisture in the bottom of boat when you do it if not completely dry , moisture will be trapped and eventually rot any wood that was used in the boat's construction.

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Can we use styrofoam and dry ice to make a mini refrigerator?

Yes, it is possible to make a mini refrigerator using styrofoam and dry ice. Styrofoam provides insulation, while dry ice helps to keep the temperature low. However, it is important to ensure proper ventilation when dealing with dry ice as it sublimates into carbon dioxide gas. Safety precautions should be taken when handling dry ice to avoid the risk of suffocation.

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well if its dry put it in a freezer and then leave it for a hour then put it in the fridge

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honey will take at a minimum of 24 hours to dry it might start to smell but if you can smell it going bad u might want to put it somewhere where you wont get bugs IN THE HOUSE so maybe in the garage if you have one

How do you know if a painting is oil or normal paints?

if someone painted with oil paints it would take a long time to dry up *hense the name* and also it is preffered that noone touches it due to the result in which it can get wrecked, it also looks more porfessional and realsitic if someone painted with noraml paints it would dry up much faster and if you touch it it wont get wrecked *as much*

Is styrofoam dry ice?

No. Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide, which can only exist at extremely low temperatures. Styrofoam is a trademarked brand of closed-cell extruded polystyrene foam often used for thermal insulation and craft applications.

When can you wash your car after having it painted?

When its dry