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It takes one year or you can say 365 days.

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Q: How long does it take for the earth to go all around the sun?
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How long does it take earth to travel all the way around the sun?

365.25 days

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It takes the Moon 27.322 days to go around the Earth once.

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You can't drive around the earth because it isn't all land, but has water/oceans.

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Mars does not rotate around the Earth. It rotates on its axis, and it revolves around the Sun, just as all the other planets do.

How long does it take the Earth to revolve all the way around the sun?

It takes 365.242 days.

How long does it take the earth rotate all the way around?

24 hoursBy Johana Ortiz

How many days does it take to go around the earth?

It all depends on your mode of transport, etc. All in all it could take you as long as you like... :-)

How long does it take the moon to rotate around the earth and go through all of its phases?

360 days

How long does it take for a plane to go around the earth?

the earth rounders link is for a web site of all the known round the world flights

How long does it take the earth to go all around the sun?

It takes one year or you can say 365 days.

How long does it take mars to rotate around the world?

Mars does not rotate around the Earth. It rotates around the Sun, just like all the other planets/

How long does it take the earth the to roate all the way around?

The Earth rotates once on its axis every 23 hours 56 minutes - and once around the sun every 365 days 6 hours.