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seven years Seven years after quitting smoking, the overall mortality curve of a former smoker levels out to be equal to (to have the same slope as) a lifetime non-smoker. This is actually somewhat misleading. Many people will read this statement and think "Seven years after I quit smoking my mortality will be the same as if I never smoked." Absolutely not true.

The slopes of the mortality curves are equal after 7 years, but the former smoker is going to have a higher mortality. It would be good to have a picture here. The smokers' curve is going to be higher at every age due to the damage done to the lungs. If you plot mortality on the Y axis and age on the X axis, you will have two parallel lines, with the smoker curve on top, showing a higher mortality at every age.

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Legal smoking blends may or may not be helpful for quitting smoking. The effect that they have depends greatly on the person and their readiness to quit.

Is quitting smoking bad for you?

Absolutely not. Continuing your habit is bad for you, quitting is good for you.

Can quitting smoking make you tired?

yes because smoking is a stimulant

What is the most common stop smoking tip?

There are various stop smoking tips and some are referred to as the best tips for quitting, these can be, money saving, health improvement, the common practice for the majority of quitters now use the electronic cigarettes.

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Can you get a blood clot after quitting smoking?

Quitting smoking will not cause you to suffer a blood clot. You can, of course, still have a blood clot, but it will not happen as a result of your failure to smoke.

That most people who start smoking think that they will someday have a difficult time quitting?

yes it will be hard quitting

Where can information on the benefits of quitting smoking be found?

While you can find a lot of benefits of quitting smoking on-line and in leaflets, the best advice and information is obtained from professional Doctors.

How do you reverse the effects of smoking?

Stop smoking, concentrate on nutrition and exercise, and get plenty of rest. These things will not only help you overcome the depression that sometimes accompanies quitting, but they will also help keep you from gaining weight and assist your body in recovering overall.

What does 'cessation' mean?

It is a noun that means the quitting, ending or ceasing of something. It is used frequently in regards to quitting smoking.

Has dog the bounty quit smoking?

Dog the Bounty Hunter has not did any recent interviews about quitting smoking.