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27.32 days

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Q: How long does it take the moon to make one full spin on it axis?
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How long does it take the moon to make a full rotation on its axis?

27.3 days.

How long does it take for the moon to make a full cycle on it's axis?

365 days

How long does the moon take to complete both of these motion?

One revolution of the Moon around the Earth takes about 27.5 days. Note that a full cycle, from full Moon to full Moon, is a bit longer, about 29.5 days.One of the Moon's rotation around its axis is also 27.5 days.

How long is the revolution of earth's moon?

27.3 days to make a whole revolution. It also takes 27.3 for the moon to revolve on its axis.

What degrees does the moon rotate on its own axis?

By definition, every object rotates a full 360 degrees about it's own axis, including the moon.

How long does it take for the moon to tilt on its axis?

a year

How long for moon to rotate on axis?

27.32 days

How long does it take for the sun to make a full turn?

one moon year

What takes the moon 27 days?

The noon rotates on its axis once in 28 days or so, we get a full moon then.

How long does it take for the moon to rotate around on its axis?

27.32 days

How long does it take for the moon to rotate on its axis approxamatley?

About 28 days.

How long is the moon rotation on it axis?

The rotation of the moon, or the time it takes to rotate on it's axis exactly once, is 27.322 days (rounded), and the moon's orbital period, or the time the moon takes to complete one full revolution around the Earth, is exactly the same. That's why the Moon appears to always show the same face. We see the same side of the moon and never get to view the far side from Earth.