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Depends on the person, and how much the person meant to you.

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Q: How long does it take to get over an emotional affair?
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How many people does it take for an emotional affair to occur?

2 or more

Can you have an emotional affair and not love the person?

This is out of place and it means nothing is going on between the two. Love is expressed through relationships, so for an affair to take place, there must be a relationship.

How long does it take a marriage to heal from an affair?

it doesnt happen...

What do you say to the person your husband is having an emotional affair with?

Take what you said to your husband (because, you know, he's not without blame for this, either), and modify it as you see fit.

Who was the last president who had to take over as Commander-in-chief?

President Ford when Nixon resigned over the Watergate affair.

Your friends tell you that your schizophrenic male friend will never commit to you he only is having an emotional affair with you in his head?

Ask him, and ask him, not the person in his head, take his hand, and ask him

Will married man take you seriously?

He will take you seriously as long as you want the same thing he does for himself -- an affair that lasts as long as he wants it to last, not for him to get a divorce.

What is emotional crisis?

When emotions take over to the extent that it start affecting your routines and health.

How can I explain my affair to my husband and that there was no intimacy?

You will have to think very clearly about telling your husband about having an emotional affair. Most men do not believe a woman can have an emotional affair and not have a sexual relationship. There is a high possibility that your husband may not believe that when you had an affair there was no sex involved although this is highly possible, but not in his mind. What you can do is learn good communication skills and you must have had your reasons (that clouded your judgment) to have an affair and you need to deal with these problems. Take time to think why you felt the need to have an emotional affair in the first place and then sit down with your husband and express why you are unhappy in the marriage and perhaps seek Marriage Counseling or the two of you could make a better effort with each other to make your marriage a more solid one. Once you have broken that bond of trust with your spouse it is difficult to gain their trust back.

I ended a relationship before it turned into an affair but now I can't stop wondering if I did the right thing. How do I stop obsessing over this person?

It was an affair,your in denial,get real,take responsibility for your actions!!

Why were men allowed to sleep with others and women would get in trouble if they slept with anyone else besides their husband?

cus that's the way the world works its in mens DNA to cheat its in womens to take care of the home emotional affair is much worse than physical, don't forget that an affair is not a disease, its a symptom

How do you get over a failed love affair after over eight years?

This is going to take some time. Eight years with someone is a long time to be with someone. You will have to find support from friends or family to help you get over this relationship. Try to find a counselor to talk about your feelings with. Remember to also give yourself time to heal.