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It depends on where your starting point is.

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Q: How long does it take to reach nirvana?
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How long does an untouchable take to reach nirvana during successive reincarnations?

Caste is a Hindu concept, not a Buddhist one. The fact that a person is considered untouchable according to Hinduism has no effect on how long it will take him/her to attain nibbana(nirvana) according to Buddhism.

What happens when people reach nirvana?

There are a few things that can happen when people reach Nirvana. People are generally said to have finally found peace.

How do buddist try to reach navana?

And it's spelled 'nirvana' Well they try to reach nirvana because they want to escape the cycle of reincarnation.

How long did the Buddha live for?

It is said he lived for about 80 years. It is also said he was the first person to reach Nirvana.

What religion wants to reach nirvana?


In Buddhism what is it called to reach enlightenment?


Which religion's goal is to reach nirvana?


What is reached in Buddhism?

The main goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment, or nirvana. You can reach Nirvana by learning and understanding the Four Noble Truths and following the Eightfold path.

How do Buddhism and nirvana link together?

The goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment (nirvana) so its one of the main reasons for being.

How do hindus reach nirvana?

Nirvana in the Hindu religion means having a connection and being at peace with Brahman. Brahman means the reality of the world.

How long does it take a Zen Buddhist to reach Nirvana?

It takes as long as it takes. The course to enlightenment can takes many thousands of lifetimes. However the person who is presently a Zen Buddhist may have been through these reincarnations already and learned from them and may be ready to become enlightened. This does not however mean he is going to Nirvana as the enlightened may opt to return to the cycle o death and rebirth to enlighten others.

Why did the Buddha's teachings about nirvana to many people of the lower castes?

because he said they would eventually reach a state of perfect peace as long as they have good karma