

How long does it take to train from US to France?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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There aren't any trains from the US to France - it's impossible. How would a train cross the Atlantic Ocean?

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Q: How long does it take to train from US to France?
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How long did it take to cross the US by train in 1870?

8 days

How long does it take to mail something from US to France in the mail?

Letters between the U.S. and France can take up to a month or even longer

How long does it take to get to France by plane from US?

About 8 hours 30 minutes.

How would you get to Paris from the US?

Most people fly, (take a plane ride), from the USA to Paris, France. A very few, take a freighter, or cruise liner, from the USA to France, and then take a train, or some other vehicle from the docks to Paris.

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7-12 hours depending on speed.

What is the train ride from NY to California called?

There is no name. There is no single train you can take in the US to travel from NY to California. This takes a train from NY to Washington, DC, then to Chicago, then to Oregon, and then to California. At best, the train ride could be called "very long".

How long does it take to get from London to France on a boat?

Depends on what sort of boat you have. For those of us with no boat of our own, it takes about an hour from London to Dover by high speed train, another hour to get to the port, and an hour and a quarter to cross the Channel. That's if you can manage to find a boat leaving an hour after the train arrives. Realistically, allow 4 hours.

Where can you find out how many hours it will take to get from one US town to another?

caculator Check the train, bus, flight timetables, or find out how far it is and calculate how long it will take to drive.

How long did it take to get across the US in the 1920s?

The amount of time it took to get across the US in the 1920s depended on the way you were traveling. By train, you could make it across the nation in four days.

Can you take a train from the us across the Atlantic ocean?

Yes, you will have to take an Air Bus.

How many days did it take to get from France to the US?


What did US take over from France?

Panama canal