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If you make it fresh it varies, but you always buy it is a supermarket in the cookie packeets which last a while in the frezzer

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Q: How long does raw dough stay good?
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5 to 7 days

What tastes good with raw eggs?

cake batter and cookie dough

What causes the dough to stay raw in the 41030 west bend bread maker?

burned out heating element.

Does cookie dough go bad if it sits out all night?

Yes of courseA different answer:No, if the question refers to raw (unbaked) cookie dough that contains eggs. Raw eggs are notorious for harboring germs that cause food poisoning, and the longer eggs are left out of the refrigerator, the greater the danger. Raw eggs in raw cookie dough left out overnight would be just as dangerous as cracked raw eggs left out overnight.

How many calories in raw cookie dough?

2341 calories are in 250g of raw cookie dough

Does raw cookie dough rise in your stomach?

Whats happens if you eat raw cookie dough?

How long do raw pork ribs stay good after date?

they dont u have to eat them within the date specified

Why is cookie dough not good for you?

If you mean the raw type; it sometimes contains raw eggs and it is full of sugar and fat, lodas calorise, but yummy =D

Is there a kind of dough you can eat raw?

yes! if you look it up on wiki how, there are at least 3 was to make raw edible Cookie dough

Is cookie dough ice cream safe to eat?

Tollhouse cookie dough is definitely safe to eat after cooking thoroughly into cookies. However, because Tollhouse cookie dough is made with raw eggs in the dough, there is a possibility that the raw cookie dough straight from the package could make you ill. There was an outbreak of Salmonellalinked to eatin raw cookie dough somewhere around 2009 or 2010.

Is it illegal to eat raw cookie dough?

No it is not.

Why cant you eat raw cookie dough?

Raw Cookie Dough, contains raw eggs & raw eggs can have salmonilla & that can cause Food Poisoning & YOU DO NOT WANT THAT! it is one of the worst sicks, you can have & for elders & children it can even be fatal.