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Seven years.

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Q: How long does the Irish presidential term last?
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What did Franklin D Roosevelt do after his last presidential term?

He died during his last Presidential term.

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Was Ireland's president elected?

Yes. Mary McAleese was elected in the Irish presidential election on 1997 October 30, and then was unchallenged for a second term in 2004. There was no official Irish presidential election in 2004.

How long is a presdentiaal term?

a presidential term is 4 years.

How long will Mary McAleese be in office as president?

Mary McAleese was elected President in 1997. An Irish presidential term is 7 years. An Irish president can serve 2 terms. Mary McAleese can be president until 2011.

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How long did George W. Bush's 1st term last?

US Presidential terms are 4 years. George W. Bush's first term lasted from 2001 January 20 to 2005 January 20.

How long is the presidential term in Turkey?

The term of office was reduced from seven years to five years in 2007.

Will the Vice-Presidency ever remain permanently vacant for an entire Presidential term?

While there have been several times when there was no vice president, the situations did not last long. It is unlikely that a president will allow there to be no vice president for an entire term.

How long is the presidential term in french?

French presidents are elected for five-year terms.

How long is a presidential of term of office?

Each term is 4 years with a max of two terms for a total of 8 years.