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The second presidential election took place in 1792 and George Washington won a second term .

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Q: When did the 2nd presidential election take place?
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When is the general election held?

The general election is held in the United States on the Tuesday following the first Monday in the month of November. This can be between the 2nd and the 8th.

Who was defeated by Roosevelt by an electoral vote of 523 to 8 in 1936?

Roosevelt defeated Alfred M. Landon in 1936. That was the 2nd-largest landslide in U.S. Presidential election history, after Monroe's 234-1 defeat of John Quincy Adams in 1820.

Who lost the presidential election in 1956?

There was no U.S. Presidential election in 1961. Then-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon just barely lost to then-Senator John F. Kennedy in 1960. The 1960 U.S. Presidential Election was the first of only two times that the loser carried more states than the winner (the 2nd was in 1976, when Gov. Carter won despite Pres. Ford's carrying more states).

Where did the 2nd constitutional convention take place?

In a house on a hot day, so the public opinions won't get in the way

Which vice presidents ran for president and lost?

Al Gore (D), Clinton's VP, lost the 2000 general election. Walter Mondale (D), Carter's VP, lost the 1984 general election. Hubert Humphrey (D), Johnson's VP, lost the 1968 general election. Richard Nixon (R), Eisenhower's VP, lost the 1960 general election. Henry A. Wallace (I), Roosevelt's 2nd VP, lost the 1948 general election. Millard Fillmore ran for President once, in 1856 (he lost). John C. Breckinridge (D), James Buchanan's V.P., lost the 1860 presidential election. John Adams won in 1796 but lost in 1800. Martin Van Buren won in 1836 but lost in 1840 and 1848. Theodore Roosevelt won in 1904 but lost in 1912. George H. W. Bush won in 1988 but lost in 1992.

Related questions

When is the preidential general election ussually held?

the presidential election is generally held the 2nd yuesday after the 1st monday

What day is the presidential election on?

The electors meet to cast their votes (which are sent to Washington, D.C.) on the Monday after the 2nd Wednesday in December.. its very confusing just like when the presidential election is confusing. It's not confusing once you learn that the Monday after the 2nd Wednesday of December is always the 6th Monday after Election Day.

What occurred to Franklin Pierce on November 2nd 1852?

November 2, 1852 was the date of the presidential election that made Pierce the next president.

When is Election Day in the United States?

The presidential election occurs on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November every year that is divisible by four. The next presidential election will occur on November 6, 2012.

When is the general election held?

The general election is held in the United States on the Tuesday following the first Monday in the month of November. This can be between the 2nd and the 8th.

What is the main purpose of the amendment?

Originally, the person who finished 2nd in the presidential election was vice president. The 12th amendment made them running mates, so that they were in the same political party.

Who ran against Obama in his second term?

Senator John McCain ran against Barack Obama for what became Obama's second term.

Did anything noteworthy happen today in history for 2nd of November?

The 2004 US Presidential election happened exactly 10 years ago today as I write this (2 November 2004).

When is elections for presidency?

The next United States presidential election will be held on November 8, 2016. Presidential elections occur every four years, on even numbered years, on Election Day. Election Day is on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, which is a Tuesday between November 2nd and 8th. The President of the United States can only serve two terms in office per the Twenty-Second Amendment.

When is election day for national elections?

In the United States, federal Election day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The next federal election will be November 8, 2016. Presidential elections are held in years divisible by 4. Congressional elections are held in years divisible by 2.

When did woman in michigan gain full suffrage?

On August 26th, 1920 the 19th Amendment granting the vote to women becomes a law. Women vote for the first time in the presidential election on November 2nd.

What day did the battle of hogwarts take place?

The Battle of Hogwarts took place on May 2nd, 1998.