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As far as I know, the earliest deforestation caused by humans was in Australia about 40,000 years ago. So it has been going on for a long time.

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Q: How long has deforestation been happening in the Amazon Rainforest?
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How big is amazon rainforest before and after deforestation?

Well, there is no definite answer to your question because the rainforest is being destroyed everyday. but currently, around %18 of the Amazon had been destroyed.

Is the Amazon rainforest a tropical rainforest?

YES, the Amazon rainforest is a tropical rainforest. If you had been bothered to research it would probably have said that in most websites and books!

How old is the Amazon rainforest?

The Amazon rainforest began forming some 9.9 million years ago. what is the rainforest soil like ?

How long as the Amazon rainforest been there for?

about a year

Have there been fires in the Amazon Rainforest?


What area has been most affected by deforestation in Latin America?

The area that has been most affected by deforestation would be the Amazon River Basin.

Does anyone benefit from the destruction of the amazon tropical rain forest?

Many people benefit including you and I. Without the Amazon rainforest we would have no paper and some foods would never have been discovered. All you have to do is breathe to feel the benefits of the rainforest as it produces 20% of the world's oxygen. However if deforestation continues, then we will lose a natural beauty and also 20% of the world's oxygen.

How have people had a negative effect on the Amazon rainforest?

People have been cutting down a lot of trees in the Amazon rainforest and it's slowly beginning to decrease its area.

Is the Amazon rainforest completely explored?

No way! There are many parts of the Amazon that have never been seen by humans.

Do baboons live in the Amazon rain forest?

yes it has been found in rainforest.

How cold does it get in the Amazon rainforest?

The Amazon rainforest is an amazing place, that has a wide temperature range. The coldest is has been known to get is 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is the amazon rain forest shrinking or growing and why?

The rainforest has been decreasing rapidly in size.