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6000 - 12000 years

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Q: How long has it taken to form topsoil in Canada?
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How long did it take to grow topsoil in Canada?

6000 to 12000 years ago.

How long does it take one inch of topsoil to form?

hundreds of years

How long does it take to grow an inch of topsoil?

This depends on what type of topsoil, its composition, the surrounding climate, etc. But usually it'll take about 800-1000 years for an inch to form.

How long does it take for one inch of topsoil to form?

350-500 years

How long does it take for a destroyed rainforest area to recover?

There is no guarantee that it will ever recover. The layer of topsoil in a rainforest is extremely thin. Because there is so much competition for food in the forest, little material builds up to form topsoil. When the trees are cut down and the thin layer of topsoil is exposed to sun, wind, and water, it is more susceptible to erosion. When the topsoil disappears, the land becomes un-arable, and becomes essentially desert.

How long does it take for one cm of topsoil to form?

It depends on where your at, in the rainforest it can happen in a year, while in other places take hunreds of years.

Will topsoil dry out if I keep it too long in a shed?

Topsoil, if left in the air will dry out a bit. However, if you keep it sealed it won't be a problem.

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Which country? Canada

A unique form of rural settlement developed in french Canada is called what?

long lots

How long can arrest warrant be executed in Canada?

The warrant will never expire. The only way to get it taken care of is if a judge will get rid of it.

In which area is the topsoil most likely to be thickest?

Topsoil naturally builds up over long periods, but can be blown or washed away. Areas with deeper topsoil are not subject to these types of erosion, and may have a very long history of vegetation (such as centuries of forest cover) which has caused the buildup, or be in an area that catches a lot of wind or water borne soil.

A unique form of rural settlement developed in french Canada is called?

Strip lots are a unique form of rural settlement. French Canada divided the land differently than other areas of Canada by having long, narrow sections of land extending from the rivers.