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It depends what you mean by "solar energy." Humans have always used solar energy in some sense: to warm themselves, to grow food, etc. However, I'm assuming that's not really what you mean (although it is important to realize that all energy on earth, with the exception of nuclear fission and geothermal, is ultimately driven by the sun's energy -- even fossil fuels, which after all were plants that grew with sunlight millions of years ago).

Solar power has been used directly in various forms for over 100 years. See the link to below this answer for a nice review of the history of solar power, starting from the beginning. Early on, focused sunlight was used to heat water, which was converted to steam and used to turn a turbine. (This is still very commonly used today and known as "solar thermal" energy although instead of water a fancy high temperature molten salt is used instead to reach very high temperatures).

If you are referring to the type of solar panels that you commonly see on rooftops of homes, etc., those are called photovoltaic solar cells. Those panels take sunlight and directly make electricity using semiconductors. Those are a relatively modern invention.

In 1839, Becquerel observed photoelectrochemical processes for the first time, but wasn't until 1954 that the first silicon-based photovoltaic solar cell was made by Bell Labs with an conversion efficiency of 6%. I'm not sure when the first commercial photovoltaic solar panels were available for sale. It was probably sometime in the mid- to late-1960's solar panels started to become commercially available. It wasn't until the 1970's with the oil embargo and energy crisis that they were sold on any significant scale.

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Q: How long have people been using solar energy?
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What the benefits of using solar energy?

Once the equipment has been paid for, solar energy is free.

When did people start using solar energy?

Actually, people have been using solar energy for thousands of years. Many desert nomads use ovens that are powered by the sun. Only recently has new technology come about that makes it more efficient.

How long has solar energy been utilized?

Solar energy is the radiant light and heat from the Sun that has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies.

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It is not very likely that solar energy will die out anytime soon. In fact solar energy has been steadily gaining popularity and many people are building off the grid houses that exclusively use solar energy.

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Using solar energy has been recorded throughout Ancient History. It is believed that the Saussure were the first to use a solar over in the late 1700's.

When people started to use the solar energy?

Solar energy has been in continual use since the earliest days of our planet. Anything that grows runs on solar energy. The earliest men understood that the sunlight was necessary for things to grow, and later, to help dry food for preservation. That's "solar energy".

What is the main source of energy for the earth?

The sun.Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar energy technologies include solar heating, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal electricity and solar architecture, which can make considerable contributions to solving some of the most urgent problems the world now faces.

How long have people been using solar power?

Quite a while actually. BUT IM NOT SURE HOW LONG!!

Is solar power good for the world?

yes of course! plants have been using solar energy since we were even on the face of the earth...we've only recently been clever enough to figure uot how to capture it. its good i promise

What are the pros and cons of solar electricity?

The pros to solar electricity are endless, just like the supply of solar energy. Solar energy is much better for the environment and it is much cheaper. It is harder to get because not everything has been converted to solar energy yet.

In what ways is solar energy retrieved from nature?

! have you just been born!?? the whole point of solar energy is the sun. The sun's rays beam down and hit the panals and it makes solar energy

What year was solar energy invented?

The very minute the Earth was formed...Solar energy has been shaping the planet ever since...