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Q: How long in hospital after gender reassignment surgery?
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How can you get a penis when am a girl?

Without some pretty major surgery, you can't. There is a surgery that is referred to as sex reassignment surgery, but it is a long process that is done only by a few specialists.

How long before an orchiectomy do MTF patients begin taking female hormones?

Most patients seeking MTF gender reassignment begin taking female hormones (estrogens) for three to five months minimum before requesting genital surgery.

How long do you stay in a hospital for gestroenterology surgery?

I was out after 2hours.

How long does hip replacement surgery takes?

Hip replacement surgery takes between one and two hours. You will have to stay in the hospital after your surgery.

Which way is gender reassignment usually done?

Technical considerations favor successful conversion to a female rather than a male. Newborns with ambiguous organs will almost always be assigned to the female gender unless the penis is at least an inch long.

How long do you stay in hospital after throat surgery?

you will stay in there for a week or 2 or 2 days

How long are you in the hospital after Tommy Jon surgery?

optional you can stay an hour or over the night

How long do a person by law suppose to stay in the hospital after open heart surgery?

Recovery after open heart surgery is difficult and depends on a large number of factors. Only your physician can tell you for sure how long to expect a hospital stay after surgery. Even so, that may change depending on your condition.

How long will you be in hospital after eye surgery?

Its depend on type of eye surgery. In many cases, you will get quick discharge after few hours, but it is good to stay at hospital for 1-2 days to get better care. is one of the good resource to get information on eye surgery.

How long is a patient allowed to stay in hospital after appendix surgery plus a dialysis patient?

Probably patient will need to stay in the Hospital for 2 to 3 days after appendix surgery, provided there are no post operative complications

Do you have take piercing out when getting surgery?

It depends on the surgery that you are getting, the hospital that you go to, and the type of piercing that you have, but normally they let you keep it in as long as the jewelry is not metal

How long was Justin Bieber in the hospital?

I think for a night or two .Beacause my friend when she was in the hospital for her back cause she got spine surgery & he came and huged her and was talking to her and ,Sighnd her stuff.