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Bike marathons have no set distance, like a running marathon (26.2 miles)

There are set distances, such as a century (100miles) or half century (50 miles)

But a bike marathon, is usually a distance set by whoever is running it.

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Q: How long is a bike marathon?
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Can someone ride a bike beside a runner in a marathon?

No, pacing is not allowed.

What is a bike marathon called?

There is no official term. The nearest you could get would be "bikeathon" and to be roughly equivalent to a marathon, it would need to be at least 100 miles or 160km. A marathon is a running race, named after the distance reputedly run after a battle in ancient Greece to deliver a message to Athens that the battle at marathon (25 miles/40kms away) had been won. The race was introduced for the first time at the modern olympics and then standardised to 26 miles & 385 yards (42.195km) after 1921. The term marathon is often misappropriated to uses other than running, to indicate anything long or demanding of endurance. All of these other uses, including biking, have no standard definition and are slang or common usages. A bike marathon has no official name because there is no bike marathon distance.

Why is the Boston Marathon 26.2 miles long?

It's 26.2 miles long because that's how long a marathon is that's why it's called the Boston Marathon.

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a marathon is how far?

How long is the London marathon race in klometers?

The London marathon race is 42.195 kilometers long

Is bike a long or short vowel sound?

The word "bike" has a long vowel sound because the letter "i" is pronounced like the name of the letter itself ("eye").

Where can one find out how long a marathon is?

Wikipedia is a very valid source for finding out how long a marathon is. Specifically, a marathon is a long-distance run based around the 25 mile mark.

How far do you swim in a 70.3 marathon?

The 70.3 half Ironman is a triathlon not a marathon. It consist of an 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and an 13.1 mile run.

Exactly how long is a marathon road race?

A marathon is 26.202 miles.

Is there a half marathon?

Yes, there is a half marathon. A half marathon is about 13.1 miles long, half the distance of a full marathon, 26.2 miles. 

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A half-marathon is 13.1 miles long.

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