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Q: How long it takes for a kitten to develop into an adult cat?
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How long does a cat be a kitten?

it takes one year

Do 8 week old kittens get diabetes?

Although incredibly rare, yes, a kitten could develop diabetes. It is not truly known what causes diabetes in kittens. Some schools of thought believe that the kitten may have a strong genetic predisposition to the disease, or, like adult cats, the long-term ingestion of high-carbohydrate foods will cause it. Obesity is also known to cause diabetes in adult cats, but in extreme cases, it is not difficult to assume an obese kitten can also develop this. Generally speaking, cats and kittens get all their nutrients from a high protein diet, and cannot use high-carbohydrate foods. Due to over-feeding foods high in cereal and grain, a cat or kitten may develop diabetes.

Which animal take the longest time to develop from an egg to an adult?

An penguin is a bird that can take a very long time to develop from an egg to an adult.

How long does it take for an elephant to develop?

Elephants gestate for some 22 months, and it takes a couple of years and more for a calf to learn enough to survive as an "adult" animal.

How long does it take a cat embryo to develop before it is born?

The gestation period for a cat is typically around 63-65 days. During this time, the embryo develops into a fully-formed kitten inside the mother's womb. At birth, the kitten is ready to survive and navigate the world outside the womb.

How long do kittens need kitten food?

Strictly speaking, healthy kittens do not "need" a specific kitten food. A kitten can eat adult cat food at any age, provided they are fully weaned. The nutritional needs of an adult cat and a kitten are the same; it is just the amounts that should be fed to an adult or kitten that are different. Kittens will often eat more than an adult cat, as they are still growing and developing, and need to be fed "little and often" due to their smaller stomachs. Adult cats need less food than kittens, and most are comfortable being fed twice a day. For the most part, kitten and adult food from the same brand are the same, or at the very least, very similar in terms of ingredients and nutrients. Feeding a kitten on adult food is absolutely fine. If you are unsure about the current kitten food you are feeding, compare the ingredients between the the kitten and adult versions and see what differences (if any) there are. The biggest difference between the two is usually texture. Kitten food is usually softer in texture or has smaller pieces. Dry adult food pieces may be too big for a small kitten, but wet food can easily be mashed up in order to be eaten more easily. Premium cat food brands are suitable for both adults and kittens and do not offer a "kitten" range.

How long does a human baby takes to develop before it is born?

It takes around 9 months x

On petz 5 how long does it take for a kitten to become an adult?

If you get a dog or a cat from the adoption center it takes about three days. If you get a litter from breeding two dogz (or catz) I'm not quite sure how long it takes to get out of the nursery. Warning: Don't skip time it freezes your game

How long does it take for a chinchilla to be an adult?

it takes one year :D

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ten to fifty years

How long does it take for a baby to develop?

A baby tiger takes about 3 to 3 and 1/2 months to develop.

How long is a macaw's gestation period?

It takes 25 hours for eggs to develop.