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When a tooth is extracted, the healing process begins with a blood clot forming in the hole in the bone left by the tooth. This is the first stage in the healing process. Smoking interferes with this in three ways; (i) smoke contains toxins, (ii) smoking causes the mouth to become dry and (iii) the action of inhaling creates suction which can dislodge the clot. The consequences of this can be extremely unpleasant, painful, and depending on where you live and the availability of free dental treatment, expensive.

There, that's the bit you weren't interested in reading. The answer is; you're probably good to go after about 72 hours.

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Q: How long should 1 wait to smoke weed after wisdom teeth removal its been 5 days with a good recovery so far What do you think?
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Should you Smoke pot with surgery on your wisdom teeth?

Maybe my answer is more of an opinion, but NO, you should not smoke pot, At All... However, if you do smoke anything, to avoid getting dry sockets, you should not after having surgery on your wisdom teeth, at least not within 48 to 72 hours.

How long should i wait to smoke after my wisdom are removed?

4 four

What if you have a hole where your wisdom teeth where taken out how long should you wait to smoke?

Smoking is not recommended under any circumstances.

Can you smoke weed a week after 4 wisdom teeth removal?

It's advised that you don't smoke cigarettes or anything of the sort, because of possible infection or "dry socket" issues. However, after 3 days or so, it should be okay. (I mention this from a medical science standpoint...barring any local laws that may prohibit smoking marijuana, of course.)

What if you waited 4 days to smoke after having 4 wisdom teeth out can you still get dry socket?

Yes you will get a dry socket you should wait about a week to a week and a half before you smoke

Can you smoke while taking medication for infection from gallbladder removal?

Ask your doctor to be certain, but after my laproscopic gallbladder removal, I was able to smoke without unusual consequence or interactions with the antibiotics.

Can you smoke weed with clove dressings in after having a minor infection after wisdom tooth extraction?

NO, you moron you should not even be smoking that in the first place what is wrong with you, Do you know how bad that stuff is for you? Oh and back to the question if you smoke with an infection you should not smoke because it will make it worse. Try to some hot water and slat in your mouth.

What happens if you smoke marijuana after getting your wisdom teeth removed?

Yes you can. The Doctors recommend waiting 48 hours AT LEAST. And then when you do decide to smoke, take small hits and put a gauze in over your holes to keep from getting dry socket.

How long after having a molar removed can you smoke?

If you have not smoked in several days to to a molar removal, perhaps you should use this oportunity to defenetly stop smoking.

How long does it take a hollow socket to heal after the removal of wisdom teeth if it isn't painful and there's no blood and how long before you can smoke?

The hole should heal after about a month. The area will slowly solidify and you will not notice any indentation six months later. How long before you can smoke? Never! It is a good time to give it up. You should be very careful of the wound for at least a week, and avoid very hot or very cold foods for two weeks. So I guess smoking would be the same.

When can youb smoke after having the 2 top wisdom teeth out?

You should probably wait 2 weeks at least otherwise you could get dry socket (which can be caused by smoking).

I got my wisdom teeth out nine days ago is it safe to smoke?

It is never safe to smoke ! Each cigarette is a nail in your coffin !