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Above your heart if you are laying down and above the belly botton if sitting down

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Q: How long should you elevate your sprained ankle?
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How long should you leave a tensor bandage on for with a sprained ankle?

First few days whenever your ankle isn't being iced and up to a week and half until the swelling goes down. Don't sleep with the tensor bandage on, prop your foot up on some pillows instead (elevation).

How long should an evening gown be?

Any where that is between right at your ankle bones to just barely touching the ground

What are some of the lower leg bones called?

The tibia and fibula are the two long bones of the lower leg.The 7 tarsal bones form the ankle.

Where are your metatarsal bone?

The metatarsus consists of the five long bones of the foot, which are numbered from the medial side (ossa metatarsalia I.-V.); each presents for examination a body and two extremities. These are analogous to the metacarpals of the hand. The middle part of the foot that forms the instep, and includes the five bones between the toes and ankle.

Where is your Talus bone?

Since I just fractured mine in a motorcycle accident, I think I can answer this question. The talus is a critical bone of the ankle joint. It connects the leg and the foot. The talus is involved in multiple planes of movement. It joins the ankle joint and is responsible for the upward and downward movement of the ankle. In addition, it joins the heel bone (calcaneus) where it is responsible for the majority of the inward and outward movement of the foot. Injuries of the talus may therefore effect both the ankle and subtalar joint and affect multiple planes of movement of the foot and ankle. These injuries range from relatively minor chips or fragments that are broken off the edges of the talus to very serious fractures that can be quite devastating. I had multiple compound fractures and I am still undergoing treatment. I know I have a long road to recovery and will probably have a great deal of chronic pain in my foot even after all my surgeries are done and I have gone through therapy. Hey, I'm a survivor and consider myself pretty darn tough. Hopefully I will be riding again before long feeling the wind in my hair!!!

Related questions

How long should you do physical therapy for a sprained ankle?

I would consult your physical therapist about how long you need to see them based upon their examination of you injury.

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A car backed into mine while you were parked and know you have a sprain ankle and wrist should you be compensated?

Do nothing people that sue others are found as the lowest scum in society its fine its only a sprained ankle as long as it wasent your fault you will be conpensated by your insurance

What can I expect from the recovery process following ankle surgery?

You will have to stay off of your ankle so that it has a chance to heal. If you use crutches and elevate your foot then it shouldnt take long for you to heal.

How long does a sprained hand take to heal?

If your hand is just sprained, it should heal in 7-10 days.

How long should you leave a tensor bandage on for with a sprained ankle?

First few days whenever your ankle isn't being iced and up to a week and half until the swelling goes down. Don't sleep with the tensor bandage on, prop your foot up on some pillows instead (elevation).

How long does it take a sprained foot to heal?

It generally takes 3 to 6 weeks for a mild to moderate sprain to heal. to fully heal the ankle it takes 1 year.

How long after ankle sprain before swelling?

I sprained mine heelflipping over my sidewalk. It'll hurt for about a week, and you shouldn't get on a board for at least 3 weeks, just to be safe. After that, you'll have to judge for yourself, and take it slow for awhile until you're sure that your ankle can handle the stress of skateboarding again.

When I was 12 I sprained my ankle and couldn't get medical attention I couldn't even walk Now it hasn't healed fully and the pain comes back and it prohibits me from running What's wrong with it?

Long term injuries may have accured in your ankle. X-rays could show results.

One of your Airmen severely sprained his ankle while completing a night land navigation course Since you have a long distance to transport the victim?

you're less likely to aggravate existing injuries and injure the victim further

How long does it take for a sprained foot to heal?

It generally takes 3 to 6 weeks for a mild to moderate sprain to heal. to fully heal the ankle it takes 1 year.

Should pants stop at the ankle or just below?

Long pants should always stop just below the ankle, otherwise your flooding and thats not a good fashion statement.