

How long should you tan in the sun?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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12y ago

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it depends on your natural color, if your pale you should tan for about 30 minutes. if you are a little bit darker, you can tan for maybe an hour. but remember, it's not good to tan for a really long time! =D

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12y ago
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1w ago

It is recommended to limit direct sun exposure to 15-30 minutes a day, depending on your skin type and the time of day. Be sure to wear sunscreen and protective clothing to prevent sun damage and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

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15y ago

It depends on how fair your skin is. If you are very pale/ light- skinned, you shouldn't sit in the sun for too long or you could get sun burn or even melanoma, a branch of skin cancer. If you are medium/ dark- skinned, the same applies to you. You should ALWAYS wear sunscreen, and if any moles that are geometrically shaped or odd looking in color, should be checked out by a doctor immediately. If you prefer not to sit in the sun, you could just take 1 vitamin D tablet a day.

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14y ago

Well it depends on what type of skin you have and how harsh the sun is at the time. Wear sunscreen and you won't have to worry about burning or cancer!

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15y ago

it is safe to spen 7 days in the sun if u r over 112 godlikejun says: it depends on how long your sunscreen lasts. so its best for you to check how long it lasts!

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14y ago

you can stay in the sun for up 10 to 15 minutes.

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Well I think spray tan if you tan to easily in the sun. Also tanning beds can burn you badly if you stay in too long.

How do you get a tan?

You sit in the sun for about 2-3-4 hours.No! Do not sit in the sun for that long. You could get dehydrated and get sun poisioning! Use tanning lotion is the way i find most easiest OR go to a tanning bed.Agreed, don't sit in the sun for that long- though is there even such a thing as sun poisoning?. Personally I prefer pale skin, but each to their own. If you can get a tan, sit in the sun for a little while, but drink enough water and wear sunscreen. A lot of people think this stops you from getting a tan, but it doesn't; it helps protect your skin while you get a tan. If you find getting a tan hard, you might have to get a fake tan. A tanning bed will not help if you can't get a tan normally, it will only further damage your skin.

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No, sunscreen blocks the sun. But sun tan lotion helps you tan faster. :)

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if you stay out of the sun for about 4 weeks they will fasde away

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being in the sun/working on farm

Changes in skin color indicate?

if you have been in the sun too long then it's a tan

How do you make skin tan free?

You get a tan from the sun. :) You tan easier if you get wet first, then stay out in the sun... Hope this helped. :)

What helps you get sun tan?

The sun

Should a person who has had a kidney transplant get a tan?

Given that kidney transplant recipients are on life-long immunosuppression after transplant and that one of the long term side effects of long-term immunosuppression is lymphoma and cancers, especially skin cancers, it would seem inadvisable to expose oneself excessively to sunlight in order to accomplish a mere 'sun tan'. Better to consider one of the spray tan parlors or alternative cremes and nostrums that 'color' the skin to mimic sun exposure.