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These meds should not be taken together unless prescribed by a physician. And yes, they will interact.

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Q: How long should you wait before taking a low dose methadone and then low dose morphine and will they interact at all?
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Does methadone at high doses interact with penicillin treatment?

No, methadone at high doses should not interact with penicillin.

You have MS but your lortab and morphine no longer help your pain what are your options?

Talk with your doctor and discuss what your plan should be. You may increase your morphine, or switch to a new medicine such as methadone that is stronger. There are medicines that are up to 80 times stronger than morphine, so your doctor should be able to find something that should reduce your pain to a more manageable level.

Can you take bactrim and methadone together?

You should contact your doctor before mixing these drugs, but Methadone is not listed as a drug that interacts with Bactrim.

Does alcohol eat up methadone?

No. Cocaine and methadone are two completely separate substances that have very different metabolic and neurochemical pathways, and do not interact directly. Cocaine is a stimulant that blocks the dopamine transporter and results in increase of dopamine (it also increases norepinephrine and serotonin to some extent as well). Methadone is a synthetic opiate that binds to opiate receptors (similar to morphine and heroin) and produces a painkilling euphoria. While cocaine stimulates, methadone depresses the central nervous system. So, they act in opposition to that effect. However, it is dangerous to mix cocaine with any opiate, since it tends to result in heart attacks.

If I am allergic to Codeine should I take morphine?

codiene will have no effect if you are taking morphine - morphine in value exceeds morphine by 1/1000

What classification is morphine sulfate?

they are analgesic depressants meaning the help decrease the pain signals making you feel less pain and they also slow your heart rate and your breathing rate which is why they are called depressants. Both of these drugs are part of the opiate/opiod family

Can you take methadone rectally?

Methadone should only be taken orally as prescribed by a physician.

Took 10 mg of methadone and still sick can you take suboxone?

No, if you take methadone, you should not mix it with suboxone. Make sure the methadone is out of you system before taking suboxone. Combining these medications can result in instant withdrawals and severe sickness.

Will methadone 5 mg give a high?

Please don't take it before you know what your doing. Methadone SHOULD NOT be taken recreationally. It is dangerous and addicting. I'm addicted myself and have done reports, taken classes, have other junky friends. I've seen it all with Methadone. Any other drug ask someone else, but I know my methadone. I go to a Methadone clinic.

Can one inject methadone pills meant to be swallowed orally?

One should never inject methadone pills because it is not meant to have a quick rush. It is supposed to take effect slowly over 48 hours. It is also not meant to have a quick rush like Heroin or IV morphine. also..........It could cause you to suddenly stop breathing..

Does acetaminophen have morphine in it?

No..morphine and acetaminophen interact.You should ask a Doctor not a computer!

Should you eat before taking morphine?

Some people will feel nausea soon after a dose and some food taken with your dose will ease this. Drink plenty of water with your dosage and continue hydrating while on morphine.