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Q: How long should you wash your hands?
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What temperature should you wash your hands in?

I usually boil the kettle and use that water to wash my hands to make sure the bacteria on my hands die a long warm painful death by drowning

Should you wash hands before touching hamster?

You wash your hands before you eat and handle food don't you? You should wash your hands before and after you touch any living creature

Should you wash your hands before fingering your girlfriend?

Yes, you should always wash your hands before fingering a girl this prevents pregnancy (if you have previously have sperm on your hands) and also STI's. You should also wash your hands after fingering a girl, its more hygienic.

How important personal hygiene in cooking?

Very important. If you have long hair, tie it back. Always wash you hands before starting, and wash them frequently while cooking. If you scratch an itch, you should wash your hands again. Your hands touch everything and there are lots of germs and bacteria everywhere, so wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water!

What should you do before handling food three things?

Wash your hands and arms thoroughly and rinse them in clean water.

When would you wash your hands?

You should always wash your hands after you have been to the toilet and before eating meals. If you feel that you have touched a bacteria infested surface, it is always good to wash your hands.

How long after you bring a guinea pig can you wash it?

You don't have to, but since they are living in there own filth then you should. If you are allergic then you should do this: You wash your hands with regular soap and regular water from the sink. Then, you wash your hands like you usually would.

Do your hands carry the most bacteria?

When you go to the toilet you should wash your hands#

How many liters of water to wash your hands?

about 1 litre but it really depends n how long you wash your hands for

Should i wear rubber gloves when handling a battery?

Not needed as long as you wash your hands. the acid is corrosive, but it is not that fast acting.

What should you do before you prepare for a meal?

wash your hands

How many seconds should you wash your hands before cooking?

it doesn't matter how many seconds you should wash your hand, but that you wash them thorougly