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It depends on a number of personal factors, but a beginner should begin to see definite results from an effective weight-lifting routine in around four weeks.

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Q: How long until i see muscle while doing weights?
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Will lifting weights help you gain muscle?

Lifting weights will make your muscles contrast and burn fat from your body while strengthening the muscles at the same time. It will help you gain muscle.

Is it possible to injury your psoas major muscle in your hip while running or lifting weights?

Yes, like any muscle it can be strained.

What type of workout is good for men's Fitness?

I believe that while aerobics and stretching are of vital importance, a man needs to add some weight training as well. Try using ankle and wrist weights while doing aerobics, as well as a pair of dumbbells to build muscle mass.

Should you aim to do more repetitions or lift bigger weights to develop muscle?

More reps will build muscle, not more weight, after a while you can add more weight and more reps.

What are wrist weights used for?

Wrist weights are used for building muscle and toning the upper body. Specifically, they help individuals keep their hands free to do other tasks, while still providing the benefit of a workout.

You are 27 yr old women and If you are lifting weights is it normal for you to gain weight on the scale?

If you are lifting weights while you are on the scale you are bound to weigh more. However, if you find that after you have been lifting weights you weigh more this could be due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.

Do you gain weight before you lose it?

It depends if you get fat then go on a diet, or if you lift weights, you gain muscle,and muscle weighs more than fat.

What should you do when you get A muscle cramp?

Stop doing whatever activity triggered the cramp, Gently stretch and massage the cramping muscle, holding it in stretched position until the cramp stops, and Apply heat to tense/tight muscles, or cold to sore/tender muscles.

Why is it that when I lift weights the pain go'es away and then I am in pain a while after until I lift again?

Its a case of the "doms", you are over taxing your muscles.

Why did you pass out while lifting weights?

the higher the weight being used the more your muscles need oxygen,if high weights are being lifted in many repetitions then more oxygen goes to your working muscle and your body us deprived of a lack of oxygen...this therefore makes you pass out.

Is it good that your back hurts after few days of lifting weights?

In your case, my suspicion is that it is not good that your back hurts after lifting weights. It is common and acceptable to have a slight degree of muscle soreness after doing any type of heavy work. This is associated with the process of muscle development that occurs when the muscle tissue is pushed beyond its usual limit resulting in muscle breakdown; in response the body repairs the newly torn muscle tissue by increasing the size and number of cells that were engaged in the heavy work. As a result, continued exercise will increase muscle strength by increasing the size of those muscles being exercised. This is why to get stronger and larger a weight lifter must push his body to continually lift more and more weight, and he must allow time after heavy lifting in which he allows the body to heal and rest so the muscle can recover. However, you question only mentions the back hurting and not the arms, shoulders, legs or specific areas that are normally exercised when lifting weights. For this reason I suspect that you are incorrectly doing your weight lifting, and in the process injuring your back. You might be using incorrect technique or using weight that is far beyond your current capacity to lift safely. I suggest that you speak to someone who has lifted weights for a while, as at a local gym or health club to learn how to lift safely.

Does doing abs workouts affect height?

nope it just affects your abdominal area your height is affected if maybe if your doing back workouts or lifting weights while standing