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Yes - it SHOULD still be good... especially if no mold is growing on it. If the jar hasn't been unsealed, it's sure to be good.

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Q: How long will a jar of Lekvar Prune Butter last unopened Jar was purchased over 2 years ago Is it still good?
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there is a speed bar on your screen . when it reaches the red part , it means that you are going to make a mess. to prevent that from happening , stop every few seconds and continue .

Why do old people drink prune juice?

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What are kiffles?

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What does une prune mean in french?

A plum or a prune

What turns into a prune?

yes a prune is a dried plum

What is prune called in Telugu?

in telugu prune is :all behara :

What is the Hindi word for prune?

'Prune' as noun in Hindi: 'sookhi hui ber' or 'jamun'. As verb: to prune - 'chhantna, anavashyak hissa hatana' or 'katna'.

What could you use instead shortening?

You can use butter, lard, cooking spray or stick margarine as a substitute. Depending on the recipe, you could also use either apple sauce or prune puree.

What are purple prune plums?

A small variety of plum that dries into a prune.

Best time to prune Daphne?

I've read to prune after flowering.