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Depends on the climate. This is not an environmentally-friendly way to kill weeds.

Salt buildup will prevent a large number of plants from being able to live in that soil. It can take a long time for the salts in the soil to disperse, especially in climates without much rainfall and on flat areas.

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Q: How long will a salt application keep grass and weeds from re-infestation?
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How do you keep weeds and grass from growing in your gravel driveway?

I use weed killer.

How do you figure time to cut grass by with of cut and seed of mower?

Cutting the grass gives you a beautiful lawn. It also tends to choke out weeds. Depending on the type of grass, you want to keep it between two heights to keep weeds under control. If you live in the South West and have a Bermuda Lawn, you want to keep the grass between 2 1/2 and 3 inches tall. You keep other grasses at different heights.

Do weeds affect grass?

NO! just avoid smoking around your grass. Keep them distanced, don't want your plants coming up with any funny ideas ;)

Why is it important to keep weeds and grass away from your trees but ok to plant annuals around them?

Weeds aren't pretty, flowers are. Weeds grow every which way. You buy flowers to grow the way you want them to...tall, wide, etc.

How long will a salt application keep grass and weeds from re infestation?

Depends on the climate. This is not an environmentally-friendly way to kill weeds. Salt buildup will prevent a large number of plants from being able to live in that soil. It can take a long time for the salts in the soil to disperse, especially in climates without much rainfall and on flat areas.

What is a good herbal or all natural tick repellent for cats?

1. Keep grass cut short. Ticks love tall grass and weeds. Keep weeds out. Keep Cats and dogs away from weeds and woods. 2. Place glue traps inside house. You can make your own glue trap with cardboard and then use petro jelly for the sticky glue. You can place these in window seals and outside as well. 3. Most ticks came from mice. Reduce the mice population around your house and the tick population will naturally be reduced.

How do you remove grass from your garden beds and stop it from coming back?

If you have plants growing you can pull out the grass then put some sort of barrier between the dirt and the air. There is something I heard about that will let water get in for the plants. Then you need to put some compost over it to keep the sun out for the weeds and grass.

What is your favorite lawn care tip?

When you deal with lawns and care for your yard, keep informed that you should always feed the grass food nutrients so you don't get buildup of unnecessary weeds.

Can you plant grass seed in August in NH?

You can, but keep it watered. Early autumn is generally thought to be the best time to plant grass in the Northeastern US. Fall is definitely a better option for you if your lawn has high sun exposure. If you plant grass seed now, there will be less competition from the weeds and crab grass that are abundant in the spring. Also many weed killers can prevent grass seed from germinating.

How do you kill grass around established plants without killing the plants?

Use a contact weedkiller and protect the plants you wish to keep during application.

Can you kill Dichondra without killing grass?

You can try killing Dichondra by simply pulling out the weeds. Another option is a homemade weed killer. Vinegar is a great and inexpensive way to keep your lawn weed free.

When was Keep Off the Grass created?

Keep Off the Grass was created in 1940.