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The space shuttle propulsion system isn't powerful enough to get to the moon let alone Saturn.

The space shuttle gets up to a speed of about 4 miles per second maximum which is enough to then coast in earth orbit for many days but not enough to get more than a few hundred miles up. That's why it is so easy to see from the ground - it's not that far up.

Using existing technology NASA has estimated a manned trip to mars would take about 3 months. Saturn at its closest would be about 10 times farther than mars. So to get there in less than 30 months would require an even more powerful rocket than planned for mars.

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Q: How long would it take for the space shuttle to reach Saturn?
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How long would it take for a space shuttle to reach space?

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How long would it take for a space shuttle to travel to Saturn?

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How long would it take to get to Saturn in a space shuttle if it were possible?

3 years if you are going at 17 km/sec

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I am pretty sure that a space shuttle is found in the thermosphere or mesosphere.

How would you eat or drink on board a space shuttle?

first u open the package then reach your hand in then put it in your mouth, chew and swallow

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