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Here is a rough calculation, using rough numbers, to give you a rough idea:

Earth's average distance from the sun: 93 million miles

Saturn's average distance from the sun: 890.8 million miles

Minimum distance between earth and Saturn: (890.8 - 93) = 797.8 million miles

Maximum distance between earth and Saturn: (890.8 + 93) = 983.8 million miles

Speed of light/radio = 186,282 miles per second.

Time for radio to travel minimum distance = (797.8 / 186,282) = 4,282.8 seconds = 1hour11.4minutes

Time for radio to travel maximum distance = (983.8 / 186,282) = 5,281.2 seconds = 1hour28minutes

Note: These are the one-way times, for a radio signal to cover the distance from Saturn to Earth.

If you want a response, then double the times, plus add some time for the folks on earth to think

about their response and then send it.

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