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Q: How long would it take to get to Andromeda Galaxy from earth in minutes?
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How far from the Milky Way Galaxy would the Andromeda Galaxy be on this scale?

No scale was specified. However, if the Earth was one inch, the Andromeda Galaxy would be 29,300,000,000 miles away.

What would happen if someone traveled from earth to the Andromeda galaxy and back?

They would get a prize and a recommendation for the first person to do it.

How many kilometers is it from Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy?

That would be an immense number. Light, itself, takes about 2.54 million years to go from Andromeda to Earth. (Or vice-versa).The number of kilometers is about 23 quintillion.

If we could see unaided the entire disk of the Andromeda Galaxy with the same brightness as its center would the moon be large enough to totally eclipse it?

No. The dimensions of the Andromeda Galaxy are about 190 minutes x 60 minutes (3 degrees+10 minutes x 1 degree) , which is far larger than the Moon's apparent size of 30 minutes (1/2 degree)

Are there any people who have been to the Andromeda Galaxy from Earth?

Not as far as anyone knows, and it's really very unlikely. Traveling at the speed of light ... which is impossible for people ... it would take millions of years ... which is longer than people have existed ... to reach the Andromeda Galaxy. So it's probably a safe bet that earth people have never been there.

How long to travel to Andromeda galaxy?

The Andromeda Galaxy is about 2.5 million light years away. How long it would take to get their depends on how fast you go, but at the speed of light it would take 2.5 millions years.

What type of star cluster would be in the Andromeda galaxy?

It's impossible to be precise, but I would guess all of them. The galaxy is so large.

Does the speed of light allow the Andromeda Galaxy to emit a blue shift?

There is some blueshift in the Andromeda galaxy as it is moving toward us. The speed of the Andromeda Galaxy relative to the sun is about 300 kilometers per second or about 0.1% the speed of light. The blueshift would be detectable by instruments but not to the human eye.

What size of telescope do you need to see the Andromeda galaxy?

small one would do

How long will it take to reach the Andromeda galaxy by space shuttle?

The Andromeda Galaxy is 12,904,531,200,000,000,000 miles away and the space shuttle orbits at 18,000 mph so to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy in the space shuttle would take 81.8 billion years which is around 18 times the currrent age of the universe!!!

Is the Andromeda galaxy in the Northern Hemisphere?

The Andromeda Galaxy can be seen from the northern hemisphere. Above the 45th parallel it is circumpolar, meaning you can see it pretty much any time of the night. If you know where Cassiopeia is, the Andromeda Galaxy is a fuzzy patch of light visible to the naked eye (on really dark nights) between that asterism (the Flying W) and the constellation of Andromeda. The five bright stars that make up Cassiopeia--Andromeda is below the W. The rim stars are dim, even through a good 14" telescope you can generally only make out the core stars. Otherwise the galaxy would appear a bit larger than our own moon, from our perspective here on earth. Andromeda is 2.5 million light years away, and a bit bigger than our galaxy.

What are three galaxies?

Three galaxies would be the Milky Way, Andromeda, and Comet Galaxy.