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1. The natural abundance of 235U is 0,72 % (atomic percentage).

2. 4,99 g of natural uranium contain approx. 8,8396.1019 atoms of 235U.

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Q: How many 235U atoms are present in a 4.99 g sample of uranium The natural abundance of 235U is 0.679 percent?
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Which uranium isotope is onley 0.7 percent of natural uranium and is the fissile part?

Uranium 235 is 0.7 percent of natural uranium and is fissile

Is depleted uranium 40 percent more radioactive than natural uranium?

Depleted uranium is approx. 60% less radioactive than an equivalent mass of natural uranium.

How many atoms of uranium are present in 1 nanogram of uranium?

1 nanogram of natural uranium = 2,53.1012 atoms

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abundance of uranium in the earth crust; 2,5-3 ppm (mg/kg) abundance of uranium in the sea water: ca. 3 ppb (?g/kg)

What are the fuel sources for nuclear power plant?

Natural uranium has about 0.7 percent U235, this has to be increased to about 4 percent for use in natural water moderated reactors. The obtaining of uranium from mining and refining is described in the document linked below

What is uranium 235 when added to natural uranium?

Uranium-235 is not added to natural uranium, it is extracted from natural uranium by a process called enrichment.

Mass number of uranium if the isotopic abundance for U-235 is 85 percent?

To be absolutely correct is necessary to be known the exact percentage of 234U, 235U and 238U in the sample. The approximate mass for uranium with 85 % 235U 235,45.

Most nuclear power plants use what as a nuclear fuel?

Uranium enriched with isotope 235 to approx 4 percent (natural U is 0.7 percent 235)

What type of uranium is used for nuclear fission?

Uranium is a chemical element with three natural isotopes (234, 235, 238). The natural uranium has cca. 0,72 % uranium-235; uranium with a concentration of uranium-235 under 0,72 % is called depleted uranium; uranium with a concentration of uranium -235 above 0,72 % is called enriched uranium. Uranium in nuclear power and research reactors is used as metal, aloys, uranium dioxide, uranium carbides, uranium silicides, etc.

What is uranium present in?

Uranium is present in approx. 220 rocks and minerals.

What is uranium - 235 when added to natural uranium?

Natural uranium has approx. 0,7 % 235U; uranium with more than 0,7 % 235U is an enriched uranium.

How does uranium 234 behave?

Uranim-234 is a rare natural isotope of uranium - the abundance is 0,0054 %.This isotope ha 92 protons, 142 neutrons and an atomic mass of 234,040 952 1(20).His halflife is 245 500 years.