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Q: How many Catholics did Elizabeth i kill?
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Why would elizabeth be afraid of the catholics in her country?

= Why would elizabeth be afraid of the catholics in her country =

Did Queen Elizabeth 1 like the Catholics?

NO!! Queen elizabeth I hated catholics! She had many catholics killed as she was a dedicated protestant.

How many executions did Elizabeth I do?

During the course of her reign Elizabeth I had over 400 Catholics executed.

Did elizabeth 1 kill catholics?

Yes, Elizabeth the first of England killed lots of Catholics. She even had "priest hunts" during her reign, in which priests were found, gathered, and martyred. She also killed lay Catholics. Anyone who was Catholic she would have killed.

Why was queen Elizabeth the first disliked by Catholics?

Because Queen Elizabeth I was a Protestant, not a Catholic.

Who challenged Elizabeth claim to throne?

it was infact the catholics that challenged Elizabeth the firsts claim to the english throne.

When did elizabeth get locked up?

because Elizabeth was accused of trying to kill Mary. Elizabeth was too a protestant and many wanted her on the throne instead of Mary.

Who was lord Ashely and what was his role in the reform?

Lord Ashley was the husband of Kat Ashley, who was the governess of Elisabeth I. Lord Ashley and Kat worked to get Elizabeth on the throne, so the Catholics wouldn't kill them off.

How did elizabeth try to keep the catholics happy?

tina hockaday is horrible

Why did Philip hate elizabeth 1?

Because one day Mary Queen of Scots came to England and she was a Catholic. The Catholics believed that she would be a better Queen than Elizabeth so people tried to kill Elizabeth so that Mary could take over England. In the end Mary was assassinated by command of Elizabeth.

Why did elizabeth combine the protestant and the Catholic church together?

Elizabeth I combined the Protestants and The Catholics together because Elizabeth tried to bring peace in matters of religion. She tried to find a solution which both the Catholics and the Protestants could agree on and accept this created The Middle Way. Eg. Elizabeth created a bible in English for the Protestants but allowed a Latin edition to be printed for the Catholics. By Georgia age 12.

What is true about the elizabeth settlement?

it encouraged peaceful coexistence between Catholics and protestants.