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Q: How many Congress since the Constitution was ratified?
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How many other amendments have been passed since the constitution was ratified?


How many states have ratified the American Flag?

The flag wasn't "ratified". The first flag was made in 1776 by Francis Hopkins for the navy and Congress has recognized this flag as the first along with the man who made it. The Constitution is ratified ,not a flag.

How many representatives were in congress when George Washington was president?

Washington's first Congress began with 59 representatives and expanded to 64 after NC and RI ratified the Constitution. His last Congress had 106 House seats.

What are four amendments still pending before the state legislature today?

This is the complete list of the ratified and unratified amendments to the United States Constitution which received the approval of the United States Congress. Twenty-seven amendments have been ratified since the original signing of the Constitution, the first ten of which are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. The procedure for amending the United States Constitution is governed by Article V of the original text. There have been many other proposals for amendments to the United States Constitution introduced in Congress, but not submitted to the states.

As of 1997 how many amendments had been made to the constitution?

26. The 27th Amendment, proposed in 1789, was not ratified completely until 1992, almost 203 years later.

How many amendments have been proposed for the Constitution?

There have been many amendments proposed for the Constitution. However to date only 27 of them have been ratified. A Wikipedia article estimates the total to be around 11,372 for the period 1789 through 2008. Of those that were never ratified, six received the required two-thirds majority votes of both houses of Congress.

In 1788 how many states ratified the constitution?


How many change or amendements are there to the US Constitution?

There are 27 amendments to the US Constitution. However, only 17 of them qualify as "changes", because the first 10, collectively referred to as the "Bill of Rights", was ratified WITH the Constitution itself. Since the ratification of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, only 17 amendments have been ratified.

How many different members have served in the US House of Congress since its inception?

Since the US Constitution was adopted, todate, how many different people have served in the US COngress and the US Senate?

How many amendments to the constitution have been ratified?

only 27 of the 31 amendments proposed have been ratified

How many ammedments in the constitution?

there are currently 27 ratified amendments

Why did the framers appose submitting the constitution to the existing congress or state governments for ratification?

They were afraid that since a few delegates had walked out of the Constitution and how there had been so many disagreements that the Congress and state governments might not want to ratify the Constitution.