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Igloos can be made in a variety of sizes, from small ones for one person up to very large ones that might comfortably sleep ten people.

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Q: How many Inuit people would live in a igloo?
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Who lives in the Igloo?

iglooo people um... eskimos... alot of people seem to think that canadians live in igloos...

What type of houses do the Inuit live in?

A house made out of earth or an igloo

What do Inuits live in?

Modern Inuit live in standard houses, while they are known for their igloo snow houses these are rarely used anymore.

Who are those people who live in igloo?

The igloo is used for hunting, fishing and traveling much as a tent is used when camping. People do not live in them.

Where did the iniuts live?

well they lived in the arctic inigloos The Inuit igloos were not too crowded. In one basic dome or igloo there would be one traditional family. Inuit would use domes for torage. The Inuit would store meat to dry and their summer clothes. The Inuit people did not have many things in their igloos and domes .At the back of dome was a platform across the snow blocks on the inside .They used this platform for eating during the day. In the night the Inuit people would use this platform for sleeping. They would put animal skins down on the platform. The igloo also had a fireplace and a hole in the roof so the smoke can get the smoke out. The Inuit had many different shelters.

Which country can igloo be found?

north Canada but mostly in the artic where the inuit mostly live

Where did Inuits used to live?

The type of homes that the Inuit people built depended on the kinds of materials they could find., the kind of weather they had to shelter from and how often they moved from place to place. Different Inuit groups had different kinds of shelters. Igloo's were temporary shelters while other winter houses were built with stones and covered with sod. The coastal Inuit sometimes built larger homes that were partly dug into the ground and covered by seal skin or sod roofs.

Most of the people who live in Nunavut are?

inuit, they speak inuit

Where did Inuit people live?

In Igloos

Who are the inuit people of the arctic?

they are people who traveled across the bering strait No, they crossed the Bering sea. People who crossed the Bering strait came much earlier than the Inuits, approximately 10,000 years earlier. Non-Indian Eskimos or Inuits, and Aleuts began traveling from Siberia to Alaska around 3,000 B.C.

Do Portuguese people live in apartments?

No, I live in Portugal. Here in Portugal we live in igloo's.

Where would you go to visit Inuit people?

Inuits live up north in the north west territories =)