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About 6 million Jews died in total, but there isn't an actual number because the Nazis had all documentation of Jews burned, so there wouldn't be any record of them in their population.

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Q: How many Jews were killed when the Nazi party took place?
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Who was the worst party to the Jews during the holocaust?

Nazi party

How would the Jews kill Nazi soldiers in the Holocaust?

Possibly by using improvised, home-made weapons, but very few Nazi soldiers were killed by Jews. Raul Hilberg estimates a total of at most 300 Nazis killed by Jews.

Who financied the Nazis?

Swiss banks and money and property the Nazi's took from the Jews and others that they killed.

What group excluded Jews from the German citizenship?

The National Socialist German Worker's Party, or Nazi Party for short, excluded Jews from German citizenship.

What kind of people did the Nazi kill?

the nazi killed Jews gypsies homosexuals and all others that were not apart of the master race

Related questions

What did the leaders of the Nazi Party do?

leaders of nazi party killed over 1 milloin innocent jews

How many Jews were killed the Holocaust in Germany?

About 6 million Jews were killed at the hands of the Nazis. The majority of these were not German Jews and most of the killings took place in Nazi-occupied Poland.

What was hitler nazi or jewish?

Hitler was a Nazi. He killed Jews.

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What was halocaust?

It was when the German Nazi Party killed millions of Jews. The Nazis leader "Adolf Hitler" called it ethnic cleansing.

Who was the worst party to the Jews during the holocaust?

Nazi party

Who were the victims of the Nazi party?

Jews mostly

What was the undesirable thing for nazi party?


Who did nazi single out?

they killed the jews gypsys and gays

How did the Nazi's treated the Jews?

The Nazis killed and slaughtered about 6 million Jews.

How many people were killed in the Holohcaust?

Well six million Jews were killed and five million other people so by Hitler and the Nazi political party, about 11 million.