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Q: How many Nazis were killed by vengeful Soviet soldiers?
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What Soldiers from what country were sent to the same camps as the Jews?

Soviet prisoners of war were treated abominably by the Nazis. Some were sent to Auschwitz and killed there.

What did the Soviet Union do back at the Germans?

The Soviet Union entered Germany to defeat the Nazis. In retalliation for the millions of Russians who were killed by the Nazis the Russion soldiers raped hundreds of thousands of women and killed indiscrimanately any man, woman or child. They took revenge on the Germans in many bad ways. They kept East Germany under their communist rule for over 5 decades.

How many Russians were killed by the Nazis?

not easy to find out as Judaism was illegal in the Soviet Union.

How many Nazis are in russia?

Over four and a half million axis soldiers invaded the soviet union in 1941.

Were any atheists killed in the Holocaust?

* Yes. The Nazis treated the Jews as a race, not a religion, so many of the victims of the Holocaust, especially from Western and Central Europe, were not practicising Jews. * The Nazis also slaughtered Soviet 'political commissars' whom they took prisoners. These were Marxist-Leninists (Communists). The Nazis also killed other Soviet prisoners of war.

What did the us soldiers not found when they liberated concentration camps?

The Nazis who killed the inmates and not much documents about the camps

Where did Nazis fled?

They didn't they were all killed by the Red army (The soviet's) and the ones that survived were put into Russian Concentration Camps

Why did the Jewish people kill the Nazis?

You have that backwards. The Nazis killed the Jews by the millions during the holocaust. Few civilian Jews killed the Nazis. During the Polish uprising of Jews in Warsaw, the civilian Jews armed themselves and fought against the German soldiers trying to murder them.

Why were the soviet forces closing in on Hitler?

The Soviet Forces closed in on Hitler and Berlin to defeat the Nazis and get them to surrender. They also had a score to settle. The Nazi Germans killed 20 million of their people.

How would the Jews kill Nazi soldiers in the Holocaust?

Possibly by using improvised, home-made weapons, but very few Nazi soldiers were killed by Jews. Raul Hilberg estimates a total of at most 300 Nazis killed by Jews.

Did the Nazis only murder people of the Jewish heritage?

No, the Nazis, under Hitler's rule/orders, killed: gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally and physically retarded people, Jews, Soviet citizens, Soviet prisoners of war, Ethnic Poles, political and religious people who disagreed with him. He also killed you if you didn't meet his Aryan race standards (blond hair, blue eyes).

What kind of relationship did the soviet union have with the US in 1945 apex?

They were working together against the Nazis