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No one actually knows! Thousands of people died! You can't guess, cause every second people are dieing in Canada and other places.......I don't want people to die! But it is like that.

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Q: How many aboriginals died?
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Are there still traditional Aboriginals?

Yes, but not many

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The Aboriginals had many languages.

How did aboriginals migrate to Australia?

It is not known how aboriginals ended up in Australia, as it is an island. It is assumed that they have been there for many thousands of years, migrating from Asia.

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It is hard to know exactly how many aboriginals are educated in Australia. This is because, although some may not go to school, this does not mean that they are not educated at home.

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Why did the white people kill the Aborigines?

When you invade some ones territory there are bound to be disagreements about water rights fences and many other things so to convince the aboriginals in the futility of resistance you simply shoot those that haven died from the disease you have introduced. The whites didn't even concede that aboriginals were people.