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i think that i love dogs Who ever wrote the abouve it a TW*T

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Q: How many africans are starving?
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Why are Africans starving?

because the collonists took every thing that africans had

How did some africans resist enslavement during the middle passage?

Other slaves resisted their captors by drowning or starving themselves.

Do South Africans get treated fairly by laws?

no not very well because they are starving and diying in vane and we are only puting alitel bit of mony to help them

How many africans did they steal?

about 200 africans were stolen

What does it mean when africans go hungry?

it means they have not had any food for a long time and they are starting to go so hungry that they are starving Elizabeth Rae year 5

Why are Africans tramps?

Africans are not tramps. Many Africans have suffered, and may be homeless and destitute, but that does not mean they are tramps.

How many rooms did the Africans have in there house?

4 or 5 rooms the africans have

How many people in the world are thought to be starving?

1.2milloin people are thought to be starving world wide.

How many calories does a starving person consume daily?

If they are starving, anywhere from no calories to 500 calories or so.

Are some africans from arab decent?

Yes, many Africans are of Arabian descent.

Why are African people suffering from starvation?

Because many Africans do not have the means necessary to provide their own food, are too poor to buy food and their governments don't have the resources to provide food for them, or help them in anyway. And some governments don't care that their people are starving.

How many people are starving in Asia?

321 million people asia is actually like the most starving country besides the pacific. The pacific also has about 321 million starving. :(